Please read these procedures thoroughly prior to proceeding with the application.
Slash Burn Permit Procedures
Apply for a Smoke Permit from CDPHE at:
Submit with your CCFA slash permit application and $25.00 fee.
Draw a simple diagram of property showing the following:
- Burn Location
- Structures
- All combustible growth such as trees, brush, woodpiles, etc.
- Show required distances from burning location
Allow up to three (3) business days for site inspection and approval of application. You will be contacted to discuss details as needed for approval.
Recreational open fires,"campfires" do not require a permit and can be used as long as the fire ring is 3 feet or less in diameter. Open fires are not allowed while a fire ban is in effect.
Permits for slash burning are required from the State of Colorado Department of Health and Evironment and Clear Creek Fire Authority. Application for such approval shall only be presented by and permits issued to the owner of the land after permit fee has been paid.
Recreational "campfires" 3 feet in diameter or less do not require a permit.
Where burning is conducted on public property or the property of someone other than the applicant, the permit applicant shall demonstrate that permission has been granted by the appropriate government entity, the owner, or the owners authorized agent.
Permit shall be kept available on premises designated therein and shall be readily available for inspection by any Authority having Jurisdiction.
Failure to provide and maintain minimum distances, maximum pile size as designated herein, leaving fire unattended or burning of rubbish or hazardous materials may be cause for fire code violation summons and extinguishment if deemed a hazard.
Open burning shall be discontinued in event of an approaching storm and/or developing gusty or erratic winds.
Burning materials shall be constantly attended by a person knowledgeable in the use of the fire extinguishment equipment required by this permit and the requirements of the permit application. Burning materials shall be supervised until fully extinguished.
Open burning fires shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher rated 4-A or better and another approved on-site fire extinguishing material, such as, dirt, sand, water bucket, garden hose or water truck shall be available for immediate use.
Open burning that will be offensive or objectionable because of smoke or odor emissions or when atmospheric conditions or local conditions make such fires hazardous shall be prohibited. Fire and Law Enforcement officials are authorized to order the immediate extinguished by the permit holder or the Fire Department any fire, which creates or adds to a hazardous or objectionable situation.
The location for opening shall not be less than 50 feet from any combustible structure or materials, and provisions shall be made to percent the fire from spreading to within 50 feet of any combustible structure or materials, and provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 50 feet of any structure and within 25 feet of combustible materials.
Recreational fires shall not be conducted within 25 feet of a structure or combustible material. Conditions that could cause a fire to spread within 25 feet of a structure or any combustible materials shall be eliminated prior to ignition.
Maximum pile size allowed for recreational "campfires" , is three(3) feet diameter and two(2) feet high.
BARBECUE GRILL – Device or container manufactured specifically for outdoor cooking.
BONFIRE – The open burning of cut trees, vegetation or lumber with a pile size in excess of three (3) feet wide and two (2) feet high.
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS – Vegetation, trees, brush, grass or any of their by-products. Lumber, paper, rags, boxes, packing material, sawdust, rubbish or any other material ignitable with open flame or embers.
OPEN BURNING – The burning of materials in an outdoor location where the fuel being burned is not contained in a closed chamber or device such as an incinerator, outdoor fireplace or barbecue grill.
OUTDOOR FIREPLACE – A structure built specifically for the purpose of containing an outdoor fire for purpose of heat or cooking.
RECREATIONAL FIRE – An outdoor fire for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking or other similar purpose and a total fuel area not exceeding three(3) feet in diameter and two(2) feet in height.
RUBBISH – Waste material including, but not limited to, garbage, trash, plastics, rags, tires, waste paper, cardboard and debris from construction or demolition.
Got a question? We’re here to help.
We require burn permits in the unincorporated areas of the county in an effort to reduce the amount of false alarm call outs for smoke reports.
To conduct a burn site inspection to aid in mitigating risk of wildfire.
Burn permits are $25.00, and are valid for 1 year.